27.1.2012 | 16:34
The Iceland weather blog
The Iceland weather blog is an occasional venue for information on the weather and climate of Iceland and is an offshot of my active blog in Icelandic, hungurdiskar. A blog on the recent controversy on the adjustment of Icelandic temperature series will be posted in a few days (2 to 6).
Um bloggiđ
Iceland Weather blog
Nýjustu fćrslur
- Unusually high temperatures
- Unusually high sea level pressure
- Sea level pressure: Unusually low in Iceland this winter
- A new national maximum temperature record for December
- A new sea level pressure record for June in Iceland
- An unusually warm April in Iceland
- A new October high pressure record in Iceland
- A new absolute September maximum temperature record in Iceland
- Í dag (30.3.): 2
- Sl. sólarhring: 2
- Sl. viku: 5
- Frá upphafi: 10687
- Innlit í dag: 2
- Innlit sl. viku: 5
- Gestir í dag: 2
- IP-tölur í dag: 2
Uppfćrt á 3 mín. fresti.
Bćta viđ athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.