Bloggfærslur mánaðarins, september 2017

A new absolute September maximum temperature record in Iceland

Temperatures above 25°C are rare in Iceland in September and have only been registrered on a few occasions. On 1 September (2017) the maxmimum at Egilsstaðir airport reached 26.4°C. This is 0.4°C higher than the previous Icelandic record, measured at Dalatangi on 14 September 1949. The Egilsstaðir automatic station has been in place since 1998, but previously, manned synoptic observations had been made on the site or in the nearby village since the late 1940s. The first years of observations there were of dubious quality, but are considered to be reliable from 1955 onwards.

Egilsstaðir is a favoured site for high temperatures during summer and have measured higher temperatures than 26°C in June (max. 26.7°C), July (28.8°C) and August (29.2°C). The previous high in September was 22.0°C.

Location of Egilsstaðir: 65°16.571'N, 14°24.276'W, 23.5 m above sea level.

On 1 September many stations in the North and East part of the country topped their previous September maxima.

The highest temperature measured in Iceland this summer is 27.7°C, at the station Végeirsstaðir in the North on 25 July and was the highest temperature measured in Iceland since 2012.

Um bloggið

Iceland Weather blog


Trausti Jónsson
Trausti Jónsson
Senior meteorologist at the Icelandic Met. Office. Speciality: Climatology
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