Bloggfćrslur mánađarins, október 2018
27.10.2018 | 22:32
A new October high pressure record in Iceland
On Saturday night, October 27 2018 a new sea level pressure maximum record was reached in Iceland for the month of October. This new record, 1046.0 hPa exceeded the old one, measured in Akureyri on October 20 1895, by 1,5 hPa (1044.5 hPa). The station at Gjögurflugvöllur, on the east coast of the Northwest Peninsula of Iceland is the site of the new record.
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Um bloggiđ
Iceland Weather blog
Nýjustu fćrslur
- Unusually high temperatures
- Unusually high sea level pressure
- Sea level pressure: Unusually low in Iceland this winter
- A new national maximum temperature record for December
- A new sea level pressure record for June in Iceland
- An unusually warm April in Iceland
- A new October high pressure record in Iceland
- A new absolute September maximum temperature record in Iceland
- Í dag (10.2.): 0
- Sl. sólarhring:
- Sl. viku: 7
- Frá upphafi: 0
- Innlit í dag: 0
- Innlit sl. viku: 7
- Gestir í dag: 0
- IP-tölur í dag: 0
Uppfćrt á 3 mín. fresti.