
Skrifa í Gestabók

  • Skráðir notendur gefi upp notandanafn og lykilorð efst á síðunni og skrifi svo færslu í reitinn hér að neðan. Gestabókarfærslan birtist strax.
  • Óskráðir notendur geta einnig skrifað færslu. Athugasemdir þeirra birtast strax og ekki þarf að staðfesta uppgefið netfang.


Hello from the Czech republic

Hello, I also like weather and Iceland, it's wonderful land, but now I want to tell you very important information. All you can find on (in english). Have a nice day! :))

Kamil Sojka (Óskráður, IP-tala skráð), mið. 19. mars 2014

Hello from Alaska

Hi, I've enjoyed reading the English version of your blog. I found it while researching an article for my "Alaska Weather Calendar" that will compare "bad" weather in Alaskan cities with those with similar weather in other parts of the world. At this point I have found that the weather in Dutch Harbor, Alaska is strikingly similar to the weather in Vestmannaeyjar. Would this be the best representative in Iceland for windy, squally, cloudy weather for towns of 3000 population or greater? Jim Green Haines, Alaska USA

Jim Green (Óskráður, IP-tala skráð), þri. 11. mars 2014

Hello from Alaska

Hi, I've enjoyed reading the English version of your blog. I found it while researching an article for my "Alaska Weather Calendar" that will compare "bad" weather in Alaskan cities with those with similar weather in other parts of the world. At this point I have found that the weather in Dutch Harbor, Alaska is strikingly similar to the weather in Vestmannaeyjar. Would this be the best representative in Iceland for windy, squally, cloudy weather for towns of 3000 population or greater? Jim Green Haines, Alaska USA

Jim Green (Óskráður, IP-tala skráð), þri. 11. mars 2014

Hi, I've enjoyed reading the English version of your blog. I found it while researching an article for my "Alaska Weather Calendar" that will compare "bad" weather in Alaskan cities with those with similar weather in other parts of the world. At this point I have found that the weather in Dutch Harbor, Alaska is strikingly similar to the weather in Vestmannaeyjar. Would this be the best representative in Iceland for windy, squally, cloudy weather for towns of 3000 population or greater? Jim Green Haines, Alaska USA

Jim Green (Óskráður, IP-tala skráð), þri. 11. mars 2014

Um bloggið

Iceland Weather blog


Trausti Jónsson
Trausti Jónsson
Senior meteorologist at the Icelandic Met. Office. Speciality: Climatology
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